Time Stamps:A divided marriage undermines the family 00:43It doesn't "just come naturally" 02:53 Build a strong house. 07:35 Conflict ought to lead to intimacy 08:40 Broken cycles and power imbalances 09:45 Family Therapy and Breaking co-dependent relationships 13:36 Feelings yes, but what is Truth 18:54Jordan Peterson and what will destroy your marriage 20:22 Triangulation 22:39 The Four Horsemen: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling 24:27 Contempt 24:48 Criticism 27:01 Defense 30:34Stonewalling 33:29 The Antidotes 38:13 Marriage culture becomes family culture 50:31 Get more out of the show 56:05Resource links:
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